Monday Balboa Social
チェスト トゥ チェスト(お互いの上半身が近いポジション)で踊ることが特徴のダンスで、ペアワークのポジションが近いので、早い曲で踊れるのもこのダンスの魅力です。
※女性の方は高すぎないヒールのあるダンスシューズでの参加をお勧めしています。The Balboa is a swing dance that originated in Southern California during the 1920s (though it may have started as early as 1915) and enjoyed huge popularity during the 1930s and 1940s. The term Balboa originally referred to a dance characterized by its close embrace and full body connection. It emphasizes rhythmic weight shifts and lead-follow partnership.
※21:00-21:45 初心者向けのバルボアレッスンがあります。
We are providing balboa total beginner lesson from 21:00-21:45.