We’re having Easy Swing Party every 2nd Sunday of the month.
Before the party, you can learn basic steps for Lindyhop(swing dance).
Us, Osaka swing dancers are SUPER friendly and nice people so, don’t hesitate to come by yourself! You can make friends quickly!!
FEE / 料金 1Class / 1クラス 1500yen
Party / パーティ 1500yen(+1Drink order needed / 別途1ドリンクオーダー)
※If you took classes, you can get discounted rate, 1000yen for the party.(+1Drink order needed)
※クラスを取られた方はパーティ1000円( 別途1ドリンクオーダー)
NOTICE / 注意 スイングダンス/ リンディホップは飛んだり跳ねたりする動作がたいへん多い です。
There are lots of hopping and jumping movements in Swing dancing so, please don’t put shoes with high heels.
INFO / インフォメーション
If you have any questions, feel free to ask to… mechakucha.swing@gmail.com